Эстрин Юрий Захарович
Заведующий лабораторией
Научные интересы
Гибридные материалы; наноматериалы;
биоматериалы; моделирование; физическое
Окончил Московский инженерно-физический
институт. В 1975 году защитил кандидатскую
диссертацию в Институте кристаллографии им.
А. В. Шубникова АН СССР. В этом
академическом институте проработал с 1969 по
1979 год. С 1979 по 1992 год работал в
Рейнско-Вестфальском техническом
университете Ахена, а также в Техническом
университета Гамбург-Харбург. Затем
сотрудничал с Университетом Западной
Австралии. Сейчас является профессор
Университета им. Монаша и возглавляет
Лабораторию Гибридных Наноструктурных
Материалов НИТУ «МИСиС». Юрий Захарович
является одним из инициаторов нового подхода
к инжинирингу материалов с использованием
геометрических принципов и автором
многочисленных работ по различным аспектам
современного материаловедения. За достижения
в этих областях профессор Эстрин был избран
действительным членом Австралийской Академии
Наук и почетным доктором Российской Академии
Наук и имеет на своем счету такие награды
как премия им. Александра фон Гумбольдта,
премия им. Штаудингера-Дуррера от
Швейцарской Федеральной Высшей Технической
Школы в Цюрихe, звание профессора мирового
класса от Корейского Министерства
Образования, Науки и Техники, и др.
В декабре 2014 г. Ассоциацией им.
Гельмгольца (Германия) профессору Ю. З.
Эстрину была присвоена премия «Helmholtz
International Fellow Award» . Задачей
Ассоциации являются исследования,
которые способствуют решению глобальных
проблем науки, общества и экономики.
Премия была учреждена в 2012 году и
направлена на укрепление сотрудничества
с ведущими мировыми учеными. Этой
премией награждаются выдающиеся учёные и
научные менеджеры, работающие вне
Германии, со значительным опытом
исследований и научного руководства
международными исследовательскими
23 июня 2015 г. профессору Ю. З. Эстрину
была присвоена награда «Thomson Reuters
Scitation Award 2015». Каждые три года
на основе данных по цитируемости научных
работ компания «Thomson Reuters»
выбирает выдающихся австралийских
исследователей и их коллективы, которые
внесли значительный вклад в одну из
одиннадцати областей науки, в том числе
в категориях технических, социальных и
гуманитарных наук. Профессор Эстрин
получил единственную награду,
присужденную в этом году в области
технических наук. Награда связана с его
исследованиями в области интенсивной
пластической деформации материалов.
В 2017 г.
Немецкое Общество Материаловедения (DGM)
избрало проф. Юрия Эстрина своим
почетным членом. Присвоение ученому
этого статуса является одной из
наивысших форм признания его заслуг
перед материаловедческим сообществом !
Основные публикации
Lapovok, R.Y., Estrin, J., 2012,
Superplasticity in magnesium alloys by
severe plastic deformation, in Advances
in wrought magnesium alloys:
Fundamentals of processing, properties
and applications, eds C Bettles and M
Barnett, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge
UK, pp. 144-185.
Estrin, J., Murashkin, M., Valiev, R.,
2011, Ultrafine-grained aluminium
alloys: processes, structural features
and properties, in Fundamentals of
aluminium metallurgy, eds Roger N
Lumley, Woodhead Publishing, UK, pp.
Khaydarov, R., Khaydarov, R., Evgrafova,
S., Estrin, J., 2011, Using silver
nanoparticles as an antimicrobial agent,
in Biodefence - Advanced Materials and
Methods for Health Protection, eds
Sergey Mikhalovsky and Abdukhakim
Khajibaev, Springer, USA, pp. 169-177.
Khaydarov, R.R., Khaydarov, R.A.,
Gapurova, O., Estrin, Y., Evgrafova, S.,
Scheper, T., Cho, S.Y., 2009,
Antimicrobial effects of silver
nanoparticles synthesized by an
electrochemical method, in
Nanostructured Materials for Advanced
Technological Applications, eds
Reithmaier, Johann Peter; Petkov,
Plamen; Kulisch, Wilhelm; Popov, Cyril,
Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 215-218.
Zehetbauer, M.J., Estrin, Y., 2009,
Modeling of strength and strain
hardening of bulk nanostructured
materials, in Bulk nanostructured
materials, eds M. J. Zehetbauer and Y.
T. Zhu, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany,
pp. 109-136.
Estrin, Y., Zehetbauer, M.J., 2009,
Niche applications of bulk
nanostructured materials processed by
severe plastic deformation, in Bulk
Nanostructured Materials, eds Michael.J.
Zehetbauer and Yuntian Theodore Zhu,
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp.
De Cooman, B., Chen, L., Kim, H.S.,
Estrin, Y., Kim, S.K., Voswinckel, H.,
2009, State-of-the-science of high
manganese TWIP steels for automotive
applications, in Proceedings of the
International Conference on
Microstructure and Texture in Steels and
other Materials, eds Arunansu Haldar,
Satyam Suwas and Debashish
Bhattacharjee, Springer, London, UK, pp.
Estrin, J., 2007, Modeling of severe
plastic deformation: evolution of
microstructure, texture and strength, in
Integral Materials Modeling: Towards
Physics-Based Through Process Models,
eds Gunter Gottstein, Wiley-VCH,
Weinheim, Germany, pp. 275-284.
Estrin, J., 2007, Modelling of severe
plastic deformation: evolution of
microstructure, texture and strength, in
Integral Materials Modelling. Towards
Physics-Based Through-Process Models,
eds G. Gottstein, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
Germany, pp. 275-284.
Min Ji Jang, Dong-Hyun Ahn, Jongun Moon,
Jae Wung Bae, Dami Yim, Jien-Wei Yeh,
Yuri Estrin & Hyoung Seop Kim.
Constitutive modeling of deformation
behavior of high-entropy alloys with
face-centered cubic crystal structure //
Materials Research Letters. 2017. Vol.
5. N. 5. pp. 350-356
Yan Beygelzimer, Roman Kulagin, Yuri
Estrin, Laszlo S. Toth, Hyoung Seop Kim,
Marat I. Latypov. Twist Extrusion as a
Potent Tool for Obtaining Advanced
Engineering Materials: A Review //
Advanced Engineering Materials (2017)
S V Dobatkin, E A Lukyanova, N S
Martynenko, N Yu Anisimova, M V
Kiselevskiy, M V Gorshenkov, N Yu
Yurchenko, G I Raab, V S Yusupov, N
Birbilis, G A Salishchev, Y Z Estrin.
Strength, corrosion resistance, and
biocompatibility of ultrafine-grained Mg
alloys after different modes of severe
plastic deformation // IOP Conf. Series:
Materials Science and Engineering. 2017
(194) 012004
Jongun Moon, Yuanshen Qi, Elena
Tabachnikova, Yuri Estrin, Won-Mi Choi,
Soo-Hyun Joo, Byeong-Joo Lee, Aleksey
Podolskiy, Mikhail Tikhonovsky, Hyoung
Seop Kim. Deformation-induced phase
transformation of Co20Cr26Fe20Mn20Ni14
high-entropy alloy during high-pressure
torsion at 77 K // Materials Letters
M. Vargas, S. Lathabai, P.J. Uggowitzer,
Y. Qi, D. Orlov, Y. Estrin.
Microstructure, crystallographic texture
and mechanical behaviour of friction
stir processed Mg-Zn-Ca-Zr alloy ZKX50
// Materials Science & Engineering A 685
(2017) 253-264
A.E. Medvedev, A. Neumann, H.P. Ng, R.
Lapovok, C.Kasper, T.C. Lowe, V.N.
Anumalasetty, Y. Estrin. Combined effect
of grain refinement and surface
modification of pure titanium on the
attachment of mesenchymal stem cells and
osteoblast-like SaOS-2 cells //
Materials Science and Engineering C 71
(2017) 483–497
Viktor Y. Piirainen, Yuri Z. Estrin.
Topological interlocking as a principle
of engineering design in consruction of
marine and coastal structures // Journal
of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 226. P.
480-486 (В.Ю. Пиирайнен, Ю.З. Эстрин.
Топологическое самозаклинивание как
принцип инженерного дизайна при
строительстве морских и прибрежных
сооружений // Записки Горного института.
2017. Т. 226. С. 480-486)
Martynenko N.S., Lukyanova E.A., Tokar
A.A., Raab G.I., Birbilis N., Dobatkin
S.V., Estrin Yu.Z. Structure, mechanical
properties and corrosion resistance of
magnesium alloy WE43 after equal-channel
angular pressing // Proceedings (III
International scientific conference
Mатеrial science. Nonequilibrium phase
transformations 11-14.09.2017, Varna,
Bulgaria).–2017.–N. 1(1).–P. 120-123
F.S. Senatov, K.V. Niaza, M.Yu.
Zadorozhnyy, A.V. Maksimkin, S.D.
Kaloshkin, Y.Z. Estrin. Mechanical
properties and shape memory effect of
3D-printed PLA-based porous scaffolds //
Journal of the mechanical behavior of
biomedical materials. 57 (2016) 139–148.
doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2015.11.036
Yuanshen Qi, Karla G. Contreras, Hyun-Do
Jung, Hyoun-Ee Kim, Rimma Lapovok, Yuri
Estrin. Ultrafine-grained porous
titanium and porous titanium/magnesium
composites fabricated by space
holder-enabled severe plastic
deformation // Materials Science and
Engineering C 59 (2016) 754–765. doi:
Hyun-Do Jung, Hui-Sun Park, Min-Ho Kang,
Yuanlong Li, Hyoun-Ee Kim, Young-Hag
Koh, Yuri Estrin. Reinforcement of
polyetheretherketone polymer with
titanium for improved mechanical
properties and in vitro biocompatibility
// Journal of biomedical materials
research B: Applied biomaterials. 2016.
V. 104B, N. 1. P. 141-148
Y. Estrin, S.S. Nene, B.P. Kashyap, N.
Prabhu, T.Al-Samman. New hot rolled
Mg-4Li-Ca alloy: A potential candidate
for automotive and biodegradable implant
applications // Materials Letters. 173
(2016) 252-256
A. Vinogradov, I.S. Yasnikov, H.
Matsuyama, M. Uchida, Y. Kaneko, Y.
Estrin. Controlling strength and
ductility: Dislocation-based model of
necking instability and its verification
for ultrafine grain 316L steel // Acta
Materialia. 106 (2016) 295-303
Eun Jung Seo, Lawrence Cho, Yuri Estrin,
Bruno C. De Cooman.
Microstructure-mechanical properties
relationships for quenching and
partitioning (Q&P) processed steel //
Acta Materialia 113 (2016) 124-139
Alexander E. Medvedev, Rimma Lapovok,
Yuri Estrin, Terry C. Lowe and Venkata
N. Anumalasetty. Bending Fatigue Testing
of Commercial Purity Titanium for Dental
Implants // Advanced Engineering
Materials. 2016
A.E. Medvedev, A. Neumann, H.P. Ng, R.
Lapovok, C. Kasper, T.C. Lowe, V.N.
Anumalasetty, Y. Estrin. Combined effect
of grain refinement and surface
modification of pure titanium on the
attachment of mesenchymal stem cells and
osteoblast-like SaOS-2 cells //
Materials Science & Engineering C. 2016
(in press)
R.Z. Valiev, Y. Estrin, Z. Horita, T.G.
Langdon, M.J. Zehetbauer, Y.T. Zhu.
Fundamentals of Superior Properties in
Bulk NanoSPD Materials // Materials
Research Letters.–2016.–V. 4.–N. 1.–P.
1–21. doi: 10.1080/21663831.2015.1060543
Ruslan Z. Valiev, Yuri Estrin, Zenji
Horita, Terence G. Langdon, Michael J.
Zehetbauer & Yuntian Zhu. Producing Bulk
Ultrafine-Grained Materials by Severe
Plastic Deformation: Ten Years Later //
JOM.–2016.–V. 68 (4) .–P. 1216-1226
Yuanshen Qi, Rimma Lapovok, and Yuri
Estrin. Microstructure and electrical
conductivity of aluminium/steel
bimetallic rods processed by severe
plastic deformation // J Mater Sci
(2016) 51:6860–6875
Alexei Vinogradov, Evgeny Vasilev,
Dmitry Merson and Yuri Estrin. A
Phenomenological Model of Twinning
Kinetics // Advanced engineering
materials. 2016
Cai Chen, Yan Beygelzimer, Laszlo S.
Toth, Yuri Estrin, Roman Kulagin.
Tensile Yield Strength of a Material
Preprocessed by Simple Shear // Journal
of Engineering Materials and Technology.
2016. V. 138
Lee Djumas, Andrey Molotnikov, George P.
Simon, Yuri Estrin. Enhanced Mechanical
Performance of Bio-Inspired Hybrid
Structures Utilising Topological
Interlocking Geometry // Scientific
Reports. 2016
Н.С. Мартыненко, Е.А. Лукьянова, В.Н.
Серебряный, М.В. Горшенков, М.М.
Морозов, В.С. Юсупов, С.В. Добаткин,
Ю.З. Эстрин. Влияние ротационной ковки
на структуру, текстуру и механические
свойства промышленного магниевого сплава
МА2-1пч // Технология легких
сплавов.–2016.–№ 4.–С. 68-76
В.Н. Серебряный, С.В. Добаткин, Ю.З.
Эстрин, С.П. Галкин, В.Ю. Пережогин, М.
Диез. Сравнительный анализ вклада
текстуры в уровень механических свойств
мелкозернистых магниевых сплавов после
равноканального углового прессования и
радиально-сдвиговой прокатки. Технология
легких сплавов. 2015, №2, с. 112-118
Bafekrpour, E, Dyskin, A., Pasternak,
E., Moloptnikov, A., Estrin, Y.,
‘Internally architectured materials with
directionally asymmetric friction’,
Scientific Reports, Volume 5, Article
number 10732 (2015)
Molotnikov, A., Gerbrand, R., Simon,
G.P., Estrin, Y. ‘Design of responsive
materials using topologically
interlocked elements’, Smart Materials
and Structures 24, Issue 2, 1 February
2015, Article number 025034
Nene, S.S., Kashyap, B.P., Prabhu, N.,
Estrin, Y., Al-Samman, T., ‘Biocorrosion
and biodegradation behavior of
ultralight Mg–4Li–1Ca (LC41) alloy in
simulated body fluid for degradable
implant applications’, Journal of
Materials Science, 30 January 2015, DOI:
Vinogradov, A., Orlov, D., Danyuk,
A.,Estrin, Y., ‘Deformation mechanisms
underlying tension-compression asymmetry
in magnesium alloy ZK60 revealed by
acoustic emission monitoring’, Materials
Science and Engineering A 621 (2015)
Beygelzimer, R, Estrin, Y., Kulagin,
Synthesis of Hybrid Materials by Severe
Plastic Deformation: A New Paradigm of
SPD Processing’, Advanced Engineering
Materials (2015) DOI:
Jung, H.-D., Park, H.-S., Kang, M.-H.,
Koh, Y.-H., Estrin, Y. ‘Reinforcement of
polyetheretherketone polymer with
titanium for improved mechanical
properties and in vitro
biocompatibility’, Journal of Biomedical
Materials Research - Part B Applied
Biomaterials DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33361
S. Khoddam, Y. Estrin, H.S. Kim, O.
Bouaziz. Torsional and compressive
behaviours of a hybrid material: Spiral
fibre reinforced metal matrix composite
// Materials and Design 85 (2015)
404–411. DOI:
S.S. Nene, Y. Estrin, B.P. Kashyap, N.
Prabhu, T. Al-Samman, B.J.C. Luthringer,
R. Willumeit. Introducing an ultralight,
high-strength, biodegradable Mg-4Li-1Ca
alloy // Advanced Biomaterials and
Devices in Medicine 1 (2015) 32-36
Li Wang, Y., Molotnikov, A., Diez, M.,
Lapovok, R., Kim, H.-E., Tao Wang, J.
Estrin, Y. ‘Gradient structure produced
by three roll planetary milling:
Numerical simulation and microstructural
observations’, Materials Science and
Engineering A 639, 165-172 (2015)
A. Vinogradov, I. S. Yasnikov, Y.
Estrin. Irreversible thermodynamics
approach to plasticity: dislocation
density based constitutive modelling //
Materials Science and Technology. 2015.
V. 31. P. 1664-1672. DOI:
R.Z. Valiev, Y. Estrin, Z. Horita, T.G.
Langdon, M.J. Zehetbauer, Y.T. Zhu.
Fundamentals of Superior Properties in
Bulk NanoSPD Materials // Mater. Res.
Lett., 2015. DOI:
Yuanlong Li, Hoi Pang Ng, Hyun-Do Jung,
Hyoun-Ee Kim, Yuri Estrin. Enhancement
of mechanical properties of grade 4
titanium by equal channel angular
pressing with billet encapsulation //
Materials Letters. 2014. V. 114. P.
144-147 (DOI:
Rimma Lapovok, Yuanshen Qi, Hoi Pang Ng,
Verena Maier, Yuri Estrin.
Multicomponent materials from machining
chips compacted by equal-channel angular
pressing // Journal of Materials
Science. 2014. V. 49. N. 3. P. 1193-1204
(DOI: 10.1007/s10853-013-7801-z)
I.S. Yasnikov, A. Vinogradov, Y. Estrin.
Revisiting the Considère criterion from
the viewpoint of dislocation theory
fundamentals // Scripta Materialia.
2014. V. 76. P. 37-40 (DOI:
Ehsan Bafekrpour, Andrey Molotnikov,
James C. Weaver, Yves Brechet, Yuri
Estrin. Responsive materials: A novel
design for enhanced machine-augmented
composites // Scientific Reports 2014
(4) Article number 3783,
Dmitry Orlov, Daniele Pelliccia, Xiya
Fang, Laure Bourgeois, Nigel Kirby,
Andrei Y. Nikulin, Kei Ameyama, Yuri
Estrin. Particle evolution in Mg–Zn–Zr
alloy processed by integrated extrusion
and equal channel angular pressing:
Evaluation by electron microscopy and
synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering
// Acta Materialia 72 (2014) 110-124
(DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.03.027)
Saurabh Nene, B. P. Kashyap, N. Prabhu,
T. Al-Samman, Yuri Estrin. Effect of
Rolling on Microstructure and Room
Temperature Tensile Properties of Newly
Developed Mg-4Li-1Ca alloy // Advanced
Materials Research 922 (2014) 537-542
Sergiy V. Divinski, Gerrit Reglitz, Igor
S. Golovin, Martin Peterlechner, Rimma
Lapovok, Yuri Estrin, Gerhard Wilde.
Effect of heat treatment on diffusion,
internal friction, microstructure and
mechanical properties of
ultra-fine-grained nickel severely
deformed by equal-channel angular
pressing // Acta Materialia. 2014 (11)
Dong Jun Lee, Eun Yoo Yoon, Dong-Hyun
Ahn, Byung Ho Park, Hyo Wook Park, Lee
Ju Park, Yuri Estrin, Hyoung Seop Kim.
Dislocation density-based finite element
analysis of large strain deformation
behavior of copper under high-pressure
torsion // Acta Materialia. 2014 (13)
1359-6454, doi:
T.A. Lebedkina, M.A. Lebyodki, T.T.
Lamark, M. Janecek, Y. Estrin. Effect of
equal channel angular pressing on the
Portevin–Le Chatelier effect in an Al3Mg
alloy // Materials Science and
Engineering: A. 2014 (7) 0921-5093, doi:
Mathilde Diez, Hyoun-Ee Kim, Vladimir
Serebryany, Sergey Dobatkin, Yuri
Estrin. Improving the mechanical
properties of pure magnesium by
three-roll planetary milling //
Materials Science and Engineering: A.
2014 (6) 0921-5093, doi:
S.S. Nene, B.P. Kashyap, N. Prabhu, Y.
Estrin, T. Al-Samman. Microstructure
refinement and its effect on specific
strength and bio-corrosion resistance in
ultralight Mg–4Li–1Ca (LC41) alloy by
hot rolling // Journal of Alloys and
Compounds. 2014 (6) 0925-8388, doi:
Arcady Dyskin, Elena Pasternak, Yuri
Estrin. Topological interlocking as a
design principle for hybrid materials //
The 8th Pacific Rim International
Congress on Advanced Materials and
Processing. 2013 (10), doi:
V. Shterner, A. Molotnikov, I.
Timokhina, Y. Estrin, H. Beladi. A
constitutive model of the deformation
behaviour of twinning induced plasticity
(TWIP) steel at different temperatures
// Materials Science and Engineering: A.
2014 (8) 0921-5093, doi:
A. Vinogradov, I. S. Yasnikov, Y.
Estrin. Stochastic dislocation kinetics
and fractal structures in deforming
metals probed by acoustic emission and
surface topography measurements //
Journal of Applied Physics. 2014 (10)
0021-8979, doi: 10.1063/1.4884682
Kim, J., Estrin, Y., De Cooman, B.,
2013, Application of a dislocation
density-based constitutive model to
Al-alloyed TWIP steel, Metallurgical and
Materials Transactions A: Physical
Metallurgy and Materials Science [P],
vol 44, issue 9, Springer New York LLC,
New York NY USA, pp. 4168-4182.
Bouaziz, O., Kim, H.S., Estrin, Y.,
2013, Architecturing of metal-based
composites with concurrent
nanostructuring: A new paradigm of
materials design, Advanced Engineering
Materials [P], vol 15, issue 5, Wiley -
VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA, Weinheim
Germany, pp. 336-340.
Webb, H.K., Boshkovikj, V., Fluke, C.J.,
Truong, V., Hasan, J., Baulin, V.,
Lapovok, R.Y., Estrin, Y., Crawford,
R.J., Ivanova, E., 2013, Bacterial
attachment on sub-nanometrically smooth
titanium substrata, Biofouling [P], vol
29, issue 2, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon
Oxfordshire UK, pp. 163-170.
Lee, S., Estrin, J., De Cooman, B.,
2013, Constitutive Modeling of the
Mechanical Properties of V-added Medium
Manganese TRIP Steel, Metallurgical and
Materials Transactions A: Physical
Metallurgy and Materials Science [P],
vol 44, issue 7, Springer New York LLC,
New York NY USA, pp. 3136-3146.
Yasnikov, I., Vinogradov, A., Estrin,
Y., 2013, Dislocation model for the
behavior of fractal dimension of the
microstructure of a strained solid,
Physics Of The Solid State [P], vol 55,
issue 2, M A I K Nauka - Interperiodica,
Russian Federation, pp. 346-352.
Orlov, D., Hockauf, M., Myer, L.,
Estrin, J., 2013, Dynamic properties of
an ultrafine-grained Mg-Zn-Zr alloy,
Philosophical Magazine Letters [P], vol
93, issue 9, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon
England UK, pp. 541-549.
Ribbe, J., Schmitz, G., Gunderov, D.,
Estrin, J., Amouyal, Y., Wilde, G.,
Divinski, S., 2013, Effect of annealing
on percolating porosity in
ultrafine-grained copper produced by
equal channel angular pressing, Acta
Materialia [P], vol 61, issue 14,
Pergamon, Oxford England UK, pp.
Ribbe, J., Schmitz, G., Rosner, H.,
Lapovok, R.Y., Estrin, Y., Wilde, G.,
Divinski, S., 2013, Effect of back
pressure during equal-channel angular
pressing on deformation-induced porosity
in copper, Scripta Materialia [P], vol
68, issue 12, Pergamon, Oxford England
UK, pp. 925-928.
Vinogradov, A., Orlov, D., Danyuk, A.,
Estrin, Y., 2013, Effect of grain size
on the mechanisms of plastic deformation
in wrought Mg-Zn-Zr alloy revealed by
acoustic emission measurements, Acta
Materialia [P], vol 61, issue 6,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
England UK, pp. 2044-2056.
Estrin, Y., Vinogradov, A., 2013,
Extreme grain refinement by severe
plastic deformation: A wealth of
challenging science, Acta Materialia
[P], vol 61, issue 3, Pergamon-Elsevier
Science Ltd, Oxford England UK, pp.
Kim, S., Jung, H., Kang, M., Kim, H.,
Koh, Y., Estrin, Y., 2013, Fabrication
of porous titanium scaffold with
controlled porous structure and
net-shape using magnesium as spacer,
Materials Science and Engineering C:
Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems
[P], vol 33, issue 5, Elsevier S.A.,
Switzerland, pp. 2808-2815.
Popilevsky, L., Skripnyuk, V.M., Estrin,
Y., Dahle, A.K., Gattia, D.M., Montone,
A., Rabkin, E., 2013,
Hydrogenation-induced microstructure
evolution in as cast and severely
deformed Mg-10 wt.% Ni alloy,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
[P], vol 38, issue 27, Elsevier Ltd,
Camden London UK, pp. 12103-12114.
Carlesso, M., Giacomelli, R., Krause,
T., Molotnikov, A., Koch, D., Kroll, S.,
Tushtev, K., Estrin, Y., Rezwan, K.,
2013, Improvement of sound absorption
and flexural compliance of porous
alumina-mullite ceramics by engineering
the microstructure and segmentation into
topologically interlocked blocks,
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
[P], vol 33, issue 13-14, Elsevier Ltd,
Camden London UK, pp. 2549-2558.
Ng, H., Haase, C., Lapovok, R.Y.,
Estrin, Y., 2013, Improving
sinterability of Ti-6Al-4V from blended
elemental powders through equal channel
angular pressing, Materials Science &
Engineering A: Structural Materials:
Properties, Microstructure and
Processing [P], vol 565, Elsevier S.A.,
Lausanne Switzerland, pp. 396-404.
Bera, S., Chowdhury, S.G., Estrin, J.,
Manna, I., 2013, Mechanical properties
of Al7075 alloy with nano-ceramic oxide
dispersion synthesized by mechanical
milling and consolidated by equal
channel angular pressing, Journal of
Alloys and Compounds [P], vol 548,
Elsevier Science SA, Lausanne
Switzerland, pp. 257-265.
Estrin, Y., Kim, H., Lapovok, R.Y., Ng,
H., Jo, J., 2013, Mechanical strength
and biocompatibility of
ultrafine-grained commercial purity
titanium, BioMed Research International
[P], vol 2013, Hindawi Publishing
Corporation, New York NY USA, pp. 1-6.
Kang, M., Jung, H., Kim, S., Lee, S.,
Kim, H., Estrin, Y., Koh, Y., 2013,
Production and bio-corrosion resistance
of porous magnesium with hydroxyapatite
coating for biomedical applications,
Materials Letters [P], vol 108, Elsevier
BV, Amsterdam The Netherlands, pp.
Molotnikov, A., Gerbrand, R., Bouaziz,
O., Estrin, Y., 2013, Sandwich panels
with a core segmented into topologically
interlocked elements, Advanced
Engineering Materials [P], vol 15, issue
8, Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Weinheim Germany, pp. 728-731.
Zhong, H., Rometsch, P., Estrin, Y.,
2013, The influence of Si and Mg content
on the microstructure, tensile
ductility, and stretch formability of
6xxx alloys, Metallurgical and Materials
Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and
Materials Science [P], vol 44, issue 8,
Springer New York LLC, New York NY USA,
pp. 3970-3983.
Ahn, D., Kim, H.S., Estrin, J., 2012, A
semi-phenomenological constitutive model
for hcp materials as exemplified by
alpha titanium, Scripta Materialia [P],
vol 67, issue 2, Pergamon-Elsevier
Science Ltd, Oxford UK, pp. 121-124.
Lapovok, R., Ng, H., Tomus, D., Estrin,
J., 2012, Bimetallic copper-aluminium
tube by severe plastic deformation,
Scripta Materialia [P], vol 66, issue
12, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd,
Oxford UK, pp. 1081-1084.
Kim, J., Estrin, J., Beladi, H.,
Timokhina, I., Chin, K., Kim, S., De
Cooman, B., 2012, Constitutive modeling
of the tensile behavior of Al-TWIP
steel, Metallurgical and Materials
Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and
Materials Science [P], vol 43A, issue 2,
Springer, New York USA, pp. 479-490.
Carlesso, M., Molotnikov, A., Krause,
T., Tushtev, K., Kroll, S., Rezwan, K.,
Estrin, J., 2012, Enhancement of sound
absorption properties using
topologically interlocked elements,
Scripta Materialia [P], vol 66, issue 7,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 483-486.
Vinogradov, A., Yasnikov, I., Estrin,
J., 2012, Evolution of fractal
structures in dislocation ensembles
during plastic deformation, Physical
Review Letters [P], vol 108, issue 20,
American Physical Society, College Pk MD
USA, pp. 1-5.
Vinogradov, A., Orlov, D., Estrin, J.,
2012, Improvement of fatigue strength of
a Mg-Zn-Zr alloy by integrated extrusion
and equal-channel angular pressing,
Scripta Materialia [P], vol 67, issue 2,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 209-212.
Lapovok, R., Molotnikov, A., Levin, Y.,
Bandaranayake, A., Estrin, J., 2012,
Machining of coarse grained and ultra
fine grained titanium, Journal Of
Materials Science [P], vol 47, issue 11,
Springer, New York USA, pp. 4589-4594.
Krause, T., Molotnikov, A., Carlesso,
M., Rente, J., Rezwan, K., Estrin, J.,
Koch, D., 2012, Mechanical properties of
topologically interlocked structures
with elements produced by freeze
gelation of ceramic slurries, Advanced
Engineering Materials [P], vol 14, issue
5, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Germany, pp.
Fagan, T., Das, R., Lemiale, V., Estrin,
J., 2012, Modelling of equal channel
angular pressing using a mesh-free
method, Journal Of Materials Science
[P], vol 47, issue 11, Springer, New
York USA, pp. 4514-4519.
Dyskin, A.V., Pasternak, E., Estrin, J.,
2012, Mortarless structures based on
topological interlocking, Frontiers of
Structural and Civil Engineering [P],
vol 6, issue 2, Springer, Berlin
Germany, pp. 188-197.
Haase, C., Lapovok, R.Y., Ng, H.,
Estrin, J., 2012, Production of
Ti-6A1-4V billet through compaction of
blended elemental powders by
equal-channel angular pressing,
Materials Science & Engineering A:
Structural Materials: Properties,
Microstructure and Processing [P], vol
550, Elsevier Science SA, Lausanne
Switzerland, pp. 263-272.
Yook, S., Jung, H., Park, C., Shin, K.,
Koh, Y., Estrin, J., Kim, H., 2012,
Reverse freeze casting: A new method for
fabricating highly porous titanium
scaffolds with aligned large pores, Acta
Biomaterialia [P], vol 8, issue 6,
Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford UK, pp.
Molotnikov, A., Lapovok, R.Y., Gu, C.,
Davies, C.H.J., Estrin, J., 2012, Size
effects in micro cup drawing, Materials
Science & Engineering A: Structural
Materials: Properties, Microstructure
and Processing [P], vol 550, Elsevier
Science SA, Lausanne Switzerland, pp.
Estrin, J., Ivanova, E., Michalska, A.,
Truong, V., Lapovok, R., Boyd, R., 2011,
Accelerated stem cell attachment to
ultrafine grained titanium, Acta
Biomaterialia [P], vol 7, issue 2,
Elsevier, Oxford UK, pp. 900-906.
Fiebig, J., Divinski, S., Rosner, H.,
Estrin, J., Wilde, G., 2011, Diffusion
of Ag and Co in ultrafine-grained
alpha-Ti deformed by equal channel
angular pressing, Journal Of Applied
Physics [P], vol 110, issue 8, American
Institute of Physics, USA, pp. 1-8.
Orlov, D., Ralston, K., Birbilis, N.,
Estrin, J., 2011, Enhanced corrosion
resistance of Mg alloy ZK60 after
processing by integrated extrusion and
equal channel angular pressing, Acta
Materialia [P], vol 59, issue 15,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 6176-6186.
Lemiale, V., Estrin, J., Kim, H.,
O'donnell, R., 2011, Forming
nanocrystalline structures in metal
particle impact, Metallurgical and
Materials Transactions A: Physical
Metallurgy and Materials Science [P],
vol 42A, issue 10, Springer New York
LLC, USA, pp. 3006-3012.
Estrin, J., Lemiale, V., O'Donnell, R.,
Toth, L., 2011, On homogeneous
nucleation of dislocation loops in
nanocrystalline materials, Metallurgical
and Materials Transactions A: Physical
Metallurgy and Materials Science [P],
vol 42, issue 13, Springer New York LLC,
New York USA, pp. 3883-3888.
Beladi, H., Timokhina, I., Estrin, J.,
Kim, J., De Cooman, B., Kim, S., 2011,
Orientation dependence of twinning and
strain hardening behaviour of a high
manganese twinning induced plasticity
steel with polycrystalline structure,
Acta Materialia [P], vol 59, issue 20,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 7787-7799.
Golovin, I., Zadorozhnyy, V.,
Andrianova, T., Estrin, J., 2011,
Relaxation and hysteresis internal
friction in ultra-fine-grained copper at
temperatures of up to 400oC, Bulletin of
the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
[P], vol 75, issue 10, Allerton Press
Inc, New York USA, pp. 1290-1299.
Kolyvanov, E., Kobelev, N., Estrin, J.,
2011, Shear modulus and internal
friction in a Cu-0.17% alloy and pure
copper subjected to equal-channel
angular pressing, Russian Metallurgy
(Metally) [P], vol 2011, issue 4, MAIK
Nauka/Interperiodica/Pleiades Publishing
Ltd, Moscow Russian Federation, pp.
Estrin, J., Fomenko, L., Lubenets, S.,
Rusakova, A., 2011, Structural
homogeneity and low-temperature
micromechanical properties of
ultrafine-grained AZ31 magnesium alloy,
Low Temperature Physics [P], vol 37,
issue 6, American Institute of Physics,
USA, pp. 538-543.
Zuberova, Z., Sabirov, I., Estrin, J.,
2011, The effect of deformation
processing on tensile ductility of
magnesium alloy AZ31, Kovove Materialy
[P], vol 49, issue 1, Redakcia Kovove
Materialy, Slovakia, pp. 29-36.
Czerwinski, A., Lapovok, R., Tomus, D.,
Estrin, J., Vinogradov, A., 2011, The
influence of temporary hydrogenation on
ECAP formability and low cycle fatigue
life of CP titanium, Journal of Alloys
and Compounds [P], vol 509, issue 6,
Elsevier Science SA, Switzerland, pp.
Estrin, J., Dyskin, A., Pasternak, E.,
2011, Topological interlocking as a
material design concept, Materials
Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic
and Supramolecular Systems [P], vol 31,
issue 6, Elsevier Science BV, The
Netherlands, pp. 1189-1194.
Divinski, S., Reglitz, G., Rosner, H.,
Estrin, J., Wilde, G., 2011, Ultra-fast
diffusion channels in pure Ni severely
deformed by equal-channel angular
pressing, Acta Materialia [P], vol 59,
issue 5, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd,
Oxford UK, pp. 1974-1985.
Toth, L., Estrin, J., Lapovok, R., Gu,
C., 2010, A model of grain fragmentation
based on lattice curvature, Acta
Materialia [P], vol 58, issue 5,
Elsevier, England, UK, pp. 1782-1794.
Khaydarov, R., Khaydarvo, R., Gapurova,
O., Estrin, J., 2010, A novel method of
continuous fabrication of aqueous
dispersions of silver nanoparticles,
International Journal of Nanoparticles
[P], vol 3, issue 1, Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd, Switzerland, pp. 77-91.
Bouaziz, O., Estrin, J., Brechet, Y.,
Embury, J., 2010, Critical grain size
for dislocation storage and consequences
for strain hardening of nanocrystalline
materials, Scripta Materialia [P], vol
63, issue 5, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford,
England, UK, pp. 477-479.
Toth, L., Beausir, B., Gu, C., Estrin,
J., Scheerbaum, N., Davies, C., 2010,
Effect of grain refinement by severe
plastic deformation on the next-neighbor
misorientation distribution, Acta
Materialia [P], vol 58, issue 20,
Elsevier Pergamon, England, UK, pp.
Bouaziz, O., Allain, S., Estrin, J.,
2010, Effect of pre-strain at elevated
temperature on strain hardening of
twinning-induced plasticity steels,
Scripta Materialia [P], vol 62, issue 9,
Elsevier Ltd, UK, pp. 713-715.
Estrin, J., Vinogradov, A., 2010,
Fatigue behaviour of light alloys with
ultrafine grain structure produced by
severe plastic deformation: An overview,
International Journal of Fatigue [P],
vol 32, issue 6, Elsevier Ltd, England,
UK, pp. 898-907.
Lemiale, V.J., Estrin, J., Kim, H.S.,
O'donnell, R., 2010, Grain refinement
under high strain rate impact: A
numerical approach, Computational
Materials Science [P], vol 48, issue 1,
Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam
Netherlands, pp. 124-132.
Skripnyuk, V.M., Rabkin, E., Bendersky,
L.A., Magrez, A., Carreno-Morelli, E.,
Estrin, J., 2010, Hydrogen storage
properties of as-synthesized and
severely deformed magnesium - multiwall
carbon nanotubes composite,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
[P], vol 35, issue 11, Pergamon-Elsevier
Science Ltd, England, UK, pp. 5471-5478.
Orlov, D., Raab, G., Lamark, T., Popov,
M., Estrin, Y., 2010, Improvement of
mechanical properties of magnesium alloy
ZK60 by integrated extrusion and equal
channel angular pressing, Acta
Materialia [P], vol 59, issue 1,
Elsevier Pergamon, UK, pp. 375-385.
Kanel-Belov, A., Dyskin, A., Estrin, J.,
Pasternak, E., Ivanov-Pogodaev, I.,
2010, Interlocking of convex polyhedra:
towards a geometric theory of fragmented
solids, Moscow Mathematical Journal [P],
vol 10, issue 2, Independent University
of Moscow, Russia, pp. 337-342.
Abrosimova, G., Afonikova, N., Estrin,
J., Kobelev, N., Kolyvanov, E., 2010,
Orientation dependence of elastic
properties and internal stresses in
sub-microcrystalline copper produced by
equal channel angular pressing, Acta
Materialia [P], vol 58, issue 20,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 6656-6664.
Lapovok, R., Pougis, A., Lemiale, V.,
Orlov, D., Toth, L., Estrin, J., 2010,
Severe plastic deformation processes for
thin samples, Journal Of Materials
Science [P], vol 45, issue 17, Springer,
The Netherlands, pp. 4554-4560.
Bera, S., Zuberova, Z., Hellmig, R.,
Estrin, Y., Manna, I., 2010, Synthesis
of copper alloys with extended solid
solubility and nano Al 2O3 dispersion by
mechanical alloying and equal channel
angular pressing, Philosophical Magazine
[P], vol 90, issue 11, Taylor & Francis
Ltd, Oxon, England, UK, pp. 1465-1483.
Truong, V., Lapovok, R., Estrin, J.,
Rundell, S., Wang, J., Fluke, C.,
Crawford, R., Ivanova, E., 2010, The
influence of nano-scale surface
roughness on bacterial adhesion to
ultrafine-grained titanium, Biomaterials
[P], vol 31, issue 13, Elsevier, UK, pp.
Mukhejee, S., Chakraborty, S., Galun,
R., Estrin, Y., Manna, I., 2010,
Transport phenomena in conduction mode
laser beam welding of Fe-Al dissimilar
couple with Ta diffusion barrier,
International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer [P], vol 53, issue 23-24,
Elsevier, Uk, pp. 5274-5282.
Divinski, S., Wilde, G., Rabkin, E.,
Estrin, J., 2010, Ultra-fast atomic
transport in severely deformed
materials-A pathway to applications?,
Advanced Engineering Materials [P], vol
12, issue 8, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Germany,
pp. 779-785.
Bouaziz, O., Estrin, J., Kim, H., 2009,
A new technique for severe plastic
deformation: The cone-cone method,
Advanced Engineering Materials [P], vol
11, issue 12, Wiley-VCH, Germany, pp.
Estrin, J., Kasper, C., Diederichs, S.,
Lapovok, R.Y., 2009, Accelerated growth
of preosteoblastic cells on ultrafine
grained titanium, Physical Review
Letters [P], vol 90, WIley, NY, USA, pp.
Schaare, S., Riehemann, W., Estrin, J.,
2009, Damping properties of an assembly
of topologically interlocked cubes,
Materials Science & Engineering A:
Structural Materials: Properties,
Microstructure and Processing [P], vol
521-522, issue 0, Elsevier Science SA,
Switzerland, pp. 380-383.
Ma, X., Lapovok, R.Y., Gu, C.,
Molotnikov, A., Estrin, J., Pereloma,
E., Davies, C.H.J., Hodgson, P.D., 2009,
Deep drawing behaviour of ultrafine
grained copper: Modelling and
experiment, Journal Of Materials Science
[P], vol 44, issue 14, Springer, The
Netherlands, pp. 3807-3812.
Sabirov, I., Barnett, M.R., Estrin, Y.,
Timokhina, I., Hodgson, P.D., 2009,
Deformation mechanisms in an ultra-fine
grained Al alloy, International Journal
of Materials Research [P], vol 100,
issue 12, Carl Hanser Verlag, Germany,
pp. 1679-1685.
Truong, V., Rundell, S., Lapovok, R.Y.,
Estrin, J., Wang, J.Y., Berndt, C.C.,
Barnes, D.G., Fluke, C.J., Crawford,
R.J., Ivanova, E., 2009, Effect of
ultrafine-grained titanium surfaces on
adhesion of bacteria, Applied
Microbiology And Biotechnology [P], vol
83, issue 5, Springer, The Netherlands,
pp. 925-937.
Khaydarov, R.A., Khaydarov, R.R.,
Gapurova, O., Estrin, J., Scheper, T.,
2009, Electrochemical method for the
synthesis of silver nanoparticles,
Journal Of Nanoparticle Research [P],
vol 11, issue 5, Springer, The
Netherlands, pp. 1193-1200.
Lapovok, R.Y., Tomus, D., Mang, J.,
Estrin, J., Lowe, T.C., 2009, Evolution
of nanoscale porosity during
equal-channel angular pressing of
titanium, Acta Materialia [P], vol 57,
issue 10, Elsevier, USA, pp. 2909-2918.
Bolke, T., Bondar, G., Estrin, J.,
Lebyodkin, M.A., 2009, Geometrically
non-linear modeling of the Portevin-Le
Chatelier effect, Computational
Materials Science [P], vol 44, issue 4,
Elsevier, The Netherlands, pp.
Dobatkin, S.V., Estrin, Y., Zakharov,
V., Rostova, T., Ukolova, O., Chirkova,
A., 2009, Improvement in the strength
and ductility of Al-Mg-Mn alloys with Zr
and Sc additions by equal channel
angular pressing, International Journal
of Materials Research [P], vol 100,
issue 12, Carl Hanser Verlag, Germany,
pp. 1697-1704.
Skripnyuk, V.M., Rabkin, E., Estrin, Y.,
Lapovok, R.Y., 2009, Improving hydrogen
storage properties of magnesium based
alloys by equal channel angular
pressing, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy [P], vol 34, issue 15,
Elsevier Ltd, USA, pp. 6320-6324.
Lebyodkin, M.A., Lebedkina, T.A.,
Chmelik, F., Lamark, T.T., Estrin, J.,
Fressengeas, C., Weiss, J., 2009,
Intrinsic structure of acoustic emission
events during jerky flow in an Al alloy,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and
Materials Physics [P], vol 79, issue 17,
American Physical Society, USA, pp.
Divinski, S., Ribbe, J., Baither, D.,
Schmitz, G., Reglitz, G., Rosner, H.,
Sato, K., Estrin, J., Wilde, G., 2009,
Nano- and micro-scale free volume in
ultrafine grained Cu-1 wt.%Pb alloy
deformed by equal channel angular
pressing, Acta Materialia [P], vol 57,
issue 19, Elsevier, US, pp. 5706-5717.
Kim, j., Chen, L., Kim, H., Kim, S.,
Estrin, J., De Cooman, B., 2009, On the
tensile behavior of high-manganese
twinning-induced plasticity steel,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions
A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials
Science [P], vol 40, issue 13, Springer,
Boston, MA, USA, pp. 3147-3158.
Divinski, S., Ribbe, J., Reglitz, G.,
Estrin, J., Wilde, G., 2009, Percolating
network of ultrafast transport channels
in severely deformed nanocrystalline
metals, Journal Of Applied Physics [P],
vol 106, American Institute of Physics,
USA, pp. 063502-063502-8.
Kashyap, B.P., Hodgson, P.D., Estrin,
Y., Timokhina, I., Barnett, M.R.,
Sabirov, I., 2009, Plastic flow
properties and microstructural evolution
in an ultrafine-grained Al-Mg-Si alloy
at elevated temperatures, Metallurgical
and Materials Transactions A: Physical
Metallurgy and Materials Science [P],
vol 40, issue 13, Springer, USA, pp.
Lapovok, R.Y., Toth, L.S., Molinari, A.,
Estrin, Y., 2009, Strain localisation
patterns under equal-channel angular
pressing, Journal of the Mechanics and
Physics of Solids [P], vol 57, issue 1,
Elsevier, USA, pp. 122-136.
Kim, j., Chen, L., Kim, H., Kim, S.,
Kim, G., Estrin, J., De Cooman, B.,
2009, Strain rate sensitivity of
C-alloyed, high-Mn, twinning-induced
plasticity steel, Steel Research
International [P], vol 80, issue 7,
Verlag Stahleishen MBH, Germany, pp.
Lapovok, R.Y., Estrin, J., Williams, T.,
2009, Superplastic failure mode in
ultrafine grained magnesium alloy AZ31,
International Journal of Materials
Research [P], vol 100, issue 4, Carl
Hanser Verlag, Germany, pp. 609-613.
Sabirov, I., Barnett, M.R., Estrin, J.,
Hodgson, P.D., 2009, The effect of
strain rate on the deformation
mechanisms and the strain rate
sensitivity of an ultra-fine-grained Al
alloy, Scripta Materialia [P], vol 61,
issue 2, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd,
England, UK, pp. 181-184.
Estrin, Y., Fomenko, V.S., Grigorova,
T.V., Isaev, N.V., Pustovalov, V.V.,
Shumilin, S.E., Janecek, M., 2009, The
effect of the superconducting transition
on plastic deformation of
ultrafine-grained aluminum, Advanced
Engineering Materials [P], vol 11, issue
1-2, Wiley VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp.
Estrin, Y.Z., Isaev, N.V., Grigorova,
T.V., Pustovalov, V.V., Fomenko, V.S.,
Shumilin, S.E., 2009, The plastic
deformation of ultrafine grained
aluminum at 0.52 K, Crystallography
Reports [P], vol 54, issue 6, Pleiades
Publishing Inc, Russia, pp. 1043-1050.
Hellmig, R.J., Janecek, M., Hadzima, B.,
Gendelman, O.V., Shapiro, M.J.,
Molodova, X., Springer, A., Estrin, J.,
2008, A portrait of copper processed by
equal channel angular pressing,
Materials Transactions, vol 49, issue 1,
The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai,
Japan, pp. 31-37.
Wang, H., Estrin, J., Zuberova, Z.,
2008, Bio-corrosion of a magnesium alloy
with different processing histories,
Materials Letters, vol 62, Elsevier,
Oxford, UK, pp. 2476-2479.
Op't Hoog, C., Birbilis, N., Estrin, J.,
2008, Corrosion of pure Mg as a function
of grain size and processing route,
Advanced Engineering Materials, vol 10,
issue 6, Wiley, Germany, pp. 579-582.
Lapovok, R.Y., Estrin, J., Popov, M.V.,
Langdon, T.G., 2008, Enhanced
superplasticity in a magnesium alloy
processed by equal-channel angular
pressing with a back-pressure, Advanced
Engineering Materials, vol 10, issue 5,
Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Germany, pp.
Lapovok, R.Y., Estrin, J., Popov, M.V.,
Rundell, S., Williams, T.B., 2008,
Enhanced superplasticity of magnesium
alloy AZ31 obtained through
equal-channel angular pressing with
back-pressure, Journal of Materials
Science, vol 43, issue 23-24, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
Netherlands, pp. 7372-7378.
Sabirov, I., Estrin, J., Barnett, M.R.,
Timokhina, I., Hodgson, P.D., 2008,
Enhanced tensile ductility of an
ultra-fine-grained aluminum alloy,
Scripta Materialia, vol 58, issue 3,
Pergamon - Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 163-166.
Estrin, J., Formenko, L., Lubenets,
S.V., Shumilin, S.E., Pustovalov, V.V.,
2008, Investigation of structural
inhomogeneity and low-temperature
micromechanical properties of
ultrafinegrained aluminum, Low
Temperature Physics, vol 34, issue 9,
ILTPE, Ukraine, Europe, pp. 975-982.
Estrin, J., Isaev, N.V., Grigorova,
T.V., Pustovalov, V.V., Fomenko, V.S.,
Shumilin, S.E., Braude, I.S., Malykhin,
S.V., Reshetnyak, M.V., Janecek, M.,
2008, Low-temperature plastic strain of
ultrafine-grain aluminum, Low
Temperature Physics, vol 34, issue 8,
ILTPE, Ukraine, pp. 665-671.
Estrin, J., Yi, S.B., Brokmeier, H.,
Zuberova, Z., Yoon, S.C., Kim, H.S.,
Hellmig, R.J., 2008, Microstructure,
texture and mechanical properties of the
magnesium alloy AZ31 processed by ECAP,
Interntional Journal of Materials
Research, vol 99, issue 01, Carl Hanser
Verlag, Munich, Germany, pp. 50-55.
Schaare, S., Dyskin, A.V., Estrin, J.,
Arndt, S., Pasternak, E., Kanel-Belov,
A.J., 2008, Point loading of assemblies
of interlocked cube-shaped elements,
International Journal of Engineering
Science, vol 46, issue 12, Elsevier,
Oxford, UK, pp. 1228-1238.
Zhu, Y., Estrin, J., Langdon, T.G.,
Liao, X., Lowe, T.C., Valiev, R.Z.,
2008, Preface, Journal of Materials
Science, vol 43, issue 23-24, Springer,
The Netherlands, pp. 7255-7256.
Molotnikov, A., Lapovok, R.Y., Davies,
C.H.J., Cao, W., Estrin, J., 2008, Size
effect on the tensile strength of
fine-grained copper, Scripta Materialia,
vol 59, issue 11, Elsevier, Oxford, UK,
pp. 1182-1185.
Estrin, J., Molotnikov, A., Davies,
C.H.J., Lapovok, R.Y., 2008, Strain
gradient plasticity modelling of
high-pressure torsion, Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol 56,
issue 4, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd,
Oxford, UK, pp. 1186-1202.
Kim, H.S., Estrin, J., 2008, Strength
and strain hardening of nanocrystalline
materials, Materials Science and
Engineering: A, vol 483-484, issue 1-2
C, Elsevier Science SA, Switzerland, pp.
Op't Hoog, C., Birbilis, N., Zhang, M.,
Estrin, J., 2008, Surface grain size
effects on the corrosion of magnesium,
Key Engineering Materials, vol 384,
Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
Switzerland, pp. 229-240.
Kobolev, N., Kolyvanov, E., Estrin, J.,
2008, Temperature dependence of sound
attenuation and shear modulus of ultra
fine grained copper produced by equal
channel angular pressing, Acta
Materialia, vol 56, issue 7, Elsevier,
Oxford, UK, pp. 1473-1481.
Sabirov, I., Estrin, J., Barnett, M.R.,
Timokhina, I., Hodgson, P.D., 2008,
Tensile deformation of an
ultrafine-grained aluminium alloy: Micro
shear banding and grain boundary
sliding, Acta Materiaia, vol 56, issue
10, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, pp. 2223-2230.
Estrin, J., Kim, H.S., Nabarro, F.R.N.,
2007, A comment on the role of
Frank-Read sources in plasticity of
nanomaterials, Acta Materialia, vol 55,
issue 19, Pergamon - Elsevier Science
Ltd, Oxford, UK, pp. 6401-6407.
Estrin, J., 2007, Constitutive modelling
of creep of metallic materials: Some
simple recipes, Materials Science &
Engineering A: Structural Materials:
Properties, Microstructure and
Processing [P], vol 463, issue 1-2,
Elsevier, Switzerland, pp. 171-176.
Dunlop, J., Brechet, Y., Legras, L.,
Estrin, J., 2007, Dislocation
density-based modelling of plastic
deformation of Zircaloy-4, Materials
Science & Engineering A: Structural
Materials: Properties, Microstructure
and Processing [P], vol 443, issue 1-2,
Elsevier, Switzerland, pp. 77-86.
Zuberova, Z., Estrin, J., Lamark, T.,
Janecek, M., Hellmig, R., Krieger, M.,
2007, Effect of equal channel angular
pressing on the deformation behaviour of
magnesium alloy AZ31 under uniaxial
compression, Journal of Materials
Processing Technology [P], vol 184,
issue 1-3, Elsevier, Switzerland, pp.
Zuberova, Z., Kunz, L., Lamark, T.,
Estrin, J., Janecek, M., 2007, Fatigue
and tensile behavior of cast,
hot-rolled, and severely plastically
deformed AZ31 magnesium alloy,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions
A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials
Science [P], vol 38 A, issue 9,
Springer, New York USA, pp. 1934-1940.
Mercier, A., Molinari, A., Estrin, J.,
2007, Grain size dependence of strength
of nanocrystalline materials as
exemplified by copper: an
elastic-viscoplastic modelling approach,
Journal of Materials Science, vol 42,
issue 5, Springer, New York, USA, pp.
Hellmig, R., Lamark, T., Popov, M.V.,
Janecek, M., Estrin, J., Chmelik, F.,
2007, Influence of equal-channel angular
pressing on the acoustic emission
behaviour of magnesium alloy AZ31 under
compression, Materials Science &
Engineering A: Structural Materials:
Properties, Microstructure and
Processing [P], vol 462, issue 1-2,
Elsevier, Switzerland, pp. 111-115.
Estrin, J., Rhee, K., Lapovok, R.Y.,
Thomson, P.F., 2007, Mechanical behavior
of alloy AA6111 processed by severe
plastic deformation: Modeling and
experiment, Journal of Engineering
Materials and Technology - Transactions
of the ASME, vol 129, issue 3, ASME -
AMER Society Mechanical Engineering, New
York, USA, pp. 380-389.
Janecek, M., Popov, M., Krieger, M.,
Hellmig, R., Estrin, J., 2007,
Mechanical properties and microstructure
of a Mg alloy AZ31 prepared by
equal-channel angular pressing,
Materials Science & Engineering A:
Structural Materials: Properties,
Microstructure and Processing [P], vol
462, issue 1-2, Elsevier, Switzerland,
pp. 116-120.
Hadzima, B., Janecek, M., Estrin, J.,
Kim, H., 2007, Microstructure and
corrosion properties of
ultrafine-grained interstitial free
steel, Materials Science & Engineering
A: Structural Materials: Properties,
Microstructure and Processing [P], vol
462, issue 1-2, Elsevier, Switzerland,
pp. 243-247.
Estrin, Y.S., Kim, H.S., 2007, Modelling
microstructure evolution towards
ultrafine crystallinity produced by
severe plastic deformation, Journal of
Materials Science, vol 42, issue 21,
Springer, New York, USA, pp. 9092-9096.
Reichert, B., Estrin, J., 2007, Modular
modelling of stress-strain behaviour of
ferritic steel grades in strain rate
ranges relevant for automotive crash
situations, Steel Research
International, vol 78, issue 10-11,
Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, Duesseldorf,
Germany, pp. 791-797.
Kostka, A., Tak, K., Hellmig, R.,
Estrin, J., Eggeler, G., 2007, On the
contribution of carbides and micrograin
boundaries to the creep strength of
tempered martensite ferritic steels,
Acta Materialia [P], vol 55, issue 2,
Elsevier, Oxford UK, pp. 539-550.
Molotnikov, A., Estrin, J., Dyskin, A.,
Pasternak, E., Kanel-Belov, A., 2007,
Percolation mechanism of failure of a
planar assembly of interlocked
osteomorphic elements, Engineering
Fracture Mechanics [P], vol 74, issue 8,
Elsevier Ltd, Oxford UK, pp. 1222-1232.
Estrin, Y.S., Janecek, M., Raab, G.I.,
Valiev, R.Z., Zi, A., 2007, Severe
plastic deformation as a means of
producing ultra-fine-grained net-shaped
micro electro-mechanical systems parts,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions
A, vol 38 A, issue 9, Minerals Metals
Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, USA,
pp. 1906-1909.
Bouaziz, O., Estrin, Y.S., Kim, H.S.,
2007, Severe plastic deformation by the
cone-cone method: Potential for
producing ultrafine grained sheet
material, La Revue de etallurgie-CIT,
vol 104, issue 6, Revue de Metallurgie,
France, pp. 318-322.
Amouyal, Y., Divinski, S., Estrin, Y.S.,
Rabkin, E., 2007, Short-circuit
diffusion in an ultrafine-grained
copper-zirconium alloy produced by equal
channel angular pressing, Acta
Materialia, vol 55, issue 15, Pergamon -
Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, UK, pp.
Skripnyuk, V., Buchman, E., Rabkin, E.,
Estrin, J., Popov, M., Jorgensen, S.,
2007, The effect of equal channel
angular pressing on hydrogen storage
properties of a eutectic Mg-Ni alloy,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds [P], vol
436, issue 1-2, Elsevier, Switzerland,
pp. 99-106.
Wang, H., Estrin, J., Fu, H., Song, Q.,
Zuberova, Z., 2007, The effect of
pre-processing and grain structure on
the bio-corrosion and fatigue resistance
of magnesium alloy AZ31, Advanced
Engineering Materials, vol 9, issue 19,
Wiley - VCH Verlag GMbH, Weinheim,
Germany, pp. 967-972.
McKenzie, P.W.J., Lapovok, R.Y., Estrin,
J., 2007, The influence of back pressure
on ECAP processed AA 6016: Modeling and
experiment, Acta Materialia, vol 55,
issue 9, Pergamon - Elsevier Science
Ltd, Oxford, UK, pp. 2985-2993.
Valiev, R.Z., Zhetbauer, M.J., Estrin,
Y.S., Hoeppel, H.W., Ivanisenko, Y.,
Hahn, H., Wilde, G., Roven, H.J.,
sauvage, x., Langdon, T.G., 2007, The
innovation potential of bulk
nanostructured materials, Advanced
Engineering Materials, vol 9, issue 7,
Wiley - VCH Verlag GMBH, Weinheim,
Germany, pp. 527-533.
Pasternak, E., Dyskin, A.V., Estrin,
Y.S., 2006, Deformations in transform
faults with rotating crustal blocks,
Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 163,
issue 9, Birkhauser Verlag Ag, Basel
Swtzerland, pp. 2011-2030.
Zi, A., Estrin, Y.S., Hellmig, R.J.,
Kazakevich, M., Rabkin, E., 2006,
Downscaling equal channel angular
pressing, Solid State Phenomena, vol
114, Trans Tech Publications,
Zurich-Uetikon Switzerland, pp. 265-270.
Estrin, Y.S., Isaev, N.V., Lubenets,
S.V., Malykhin, S.V., Pugachov, A.T.,
Pustovalov, V.V., Reshetnyak, E.N.,
Fomenko, V.S., Fomenko, L.S., Shumilin,
S.E., Janecek, M., Hellmig, R.J., 2006,
Effect of microstructure on plastic
deformation of Cu at low homologous
temperatures, Acta Materialia, vol 54,
issue 20, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd,
Oxford England, pp. 5581-5590.
Gendelman, O.V., Shapiro, M., Estrin,
Y.S., Hellmig, R.J., Lekhtmakher, S.,
2006, Grain size distribution and heat
conductivity of copper processed by
equal channel angular pressing,
Materials Science and Engineering A -
Structural Materials Properties
Microstructure and Processing, vol 434,
issue 1-2, Elsevier Science SA, Lausanne
Switzerland, pp. 88-94.
Estrin, J., Hellmig, R., 2006, Improving
the properties of magnesium alloys by
equal channel angular pressing, Metal
Science And Heat Treatment [P], vol 48,
issue 11-12, Springer, New York USA, pp.
Krieger, M., Estrin, Y.S., Janecek, M.,
Niemeyer, M., Paul, S., 2006, Mechanical
properties and bake hardening behaviour
of two cold rolled multiphase sheet
steels subjected to CGL heat treatment
simulation, Steel Research
International, vol 77, issue 9-10,
Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, Dusseldorf
Germany, pp. 668-674.
Valiev, R.Z., Estrin, Y.S., Horita, Z.,
Langdon, T.G., Zehetbauer, M.J., Zhu,
Y., 2006, Producing bulk
ultrafine-grained materials by severe
plastic deformation, JOM - Journal of
the Minerals, Metals and Materials
Society, vol 58, issue 4, Minerals
Metals and Materials Society,
Pennsylvania USA, pp. 33-39.
Balogh, L., Gubicza, J., Hellmig, R.J.,
Estrin, Y.S., Ungar, T., 2006, Thermal
stability of the microstructure of
severely deformed copper, Zeitschfrift
fur Kristallographie [P], vol 2, issue
Part 2, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag,
Munich Germany, pp. 381-386.
Kim, H.S., Ryu, W.S., Janecek, M., Baik,
S.C., Estrin, Y.S., 2005, Effect of
equal channel angular pressing on
microstructure and mechanical properties
of IF steel, Advanced Engineering
Materials, vol 7, issue 1-2, Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH, Weinheim Germany, pp.
Lapovok, R.Y., Cottam, R., Thomson,
P.F., Estrin, Y.S., 2005, Extraordinary
Superplastic Ductility of Magnesium
Alloy ZK60, Journal of Materials
Research, vol 20, issue 6, Materials
Research Society, Warrendale PA USA, pp.
Lapovok, R.Y., Dalla Torre, F.H.,
Sandlin, J.D., Davies, C.H.J., Pereloma,
E.V., Thomson, P.F., Estrin, Y.S., 2005,
Gradient Plasticity Constitutive Model
Reflecting the Ultrafine Micro-Structure
Scale: The Case of Severely Deformed
Copper, Journal of the Mechanics and
Physics of Solids, vol 53, issue 4,
Elsevier Ltd., USA, pp. 729-747.
Lebyodkin, M.A., Estrin, Y.S., 2005,
Multifractal analysis of the Portevin-Le
Chatelier effect: General approach and
application to AlMg and AlMg/Al2O3
alloys, Acta Materialia, vol 53, issue
12, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd,
Oxford UK, pp. 3403-3413.
Kim, H.S., Estrin, Y.S., 2005, Phase
mixture modeling of the strain rate
dependent mechanical behavior of
nanostructured materials, Acta
Materialia, vol 53, issue 3,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 765-772.
Lapovok, R.Y., Thomson, P.F., Cottam,
R., Estrin, Y.S., 2005, Processing
Routes Leading to Superplastic Behaviour
of Magnesium Alloy ZK60, Materials
Science and Engineering A, vol 410-411,
Elsevier Ltd., USA, pp. 390-393.
Estrin, Y.S., Rabkin, E., Hellmig, R.J.,
Kazakevich, M., Zi, A., 2005, Severe
plastic deformation by solid state
infiltration, Materials Science and
Engineering A - Structural Materials
Properties Microstructure and
Processing, vol 410-411, Elsevier
Science SA, Lausanne Switzerland, pp.
Estrin, J., Rabkin, E., Hellmig, R.,
Kazakevich, M., Zi, A., 2005, Solid
state infiltration of porous steel with
aluminium by the forcefill process,
International Journal of Materials
Research [P], vol 10, Carl Hanser
Verlag, Germany, pp. 1193-1195.
Lapovok, R.Y., Thomson, P.F., Cottam,
R., Estrin, Y.S., 2005, The Effect of
Grain refinement by Warm Equal Channel
Angular Extrusion on Room Temperature
Twinning in Magnesium Alloy ZK60,
Journal of Materials Science, vol 40,
issue 7, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
USA, pp. 1699-1708.
Janecek, M., Hadzima, B., Hellmig, R.,
Estrin, J., 2005, The influence of
microstructure on the corrosion
properties of Cu polycrystals prepared
by ECAP, Kovove Materialy [P], vol 43,
issue 4, Institute of Materials and
Machine Mechanics, Slovakia, pp.
Dyskin, A.V., Estrin, Y.S., Pasternak,
E., Khor, H.C., Kanel-Belov, A.J., 2005,
The principle of topological
interlocking in extraterrestrial
construction, Acta Astronautica, vol 57,
issue 1, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd,
Oxford UK, pp. 10-21.
Lamark, T.T., Chmelik, F., Estrin, Y.S.,
Lukac, P., 2004, Cyclic deformation of
magnesium alloy investigated by the
acoustic emission technique, Journal of
Alloys and Compounds, vol 378, issue
1-2, Elsevier Science SA, Lausanne
Switzerland, pp. 202-206.
Estrin, Y.S., Gottstein, G.,
Shvindlerman, L.S., 2004, Diffusion
controlled creep in nanocrystalline
materials under grain growth, Scripta
Materialia, vol 50, issue 7,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 993-997.
Gubicza, J., Nam, N.H., Balogh, L.,
Hellmig, R.J., Stolyarov, V., Estrin,
Y.S., Ungar, T., 2004, Microstructure of
severely deformed metals determined by
X-ray peak profile analysis, Journal of
Alloys and Compounds, vol 378, issue
1-2, Elsevier Science SA, Lausanne
Switzerland, pp. 248-252.
Estrin, Y.S., Dyskin, A.V., Pasternak,
E., Schaare, S., Stanchits, S.,
Kanel-Belov, A.J., 2004, Negative
stiffness of a layer with topologically
interlocked elements, Scripta
Materialia, vol 50, issue 2,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 291-294.
Lapovok, R.Y., Thomson, P.F., Cottam,
R., Estrin, Y.S., 2004, The effect of
warm equal channel angular extrusion on
ductility and twinning in magnesium
alloy ZK60, Materials Transactions, vol
45, issue 7, Japan Inst Metals, Sendai
Japan, pp. 2192-2199.
Baik, S.C., Estrin, Y.S., Kim, H.S.,
Hellmig, R.J., 2003, Dislocation
density-based modeling of deformation
behavior of aluminium under equal
channel angular pressing, Materials
Science and Engineering A - Structural
Materials Properties Microstructure and
Processing, vol 351, issue 1-2, Elsevier
Science SA, Lausanne Switzerland, pp.
Dyskin, A.V., Estrin, Y.S., Pasternak,
E., Khor, H.C., Kanel-Belov, A.J., 2003,
Fracture resistant structures based on
topological interlocking with non-planar
contacts, Advanced Engineering
Materials, vol 5, issue 3, Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH, Weinheim Germany, pp.
Estrin, Y.S., Kim, H.S., Kovler, M.,
Berler, G., Shaviv, R., Rabkin, E.,
2003, Modeling of aluminum via filling
by forcefill, Journal of Applied
Physics, vol 93, issue 9, American
Institute of Physics, New York NY USA,
pp. 5812-5815.
Baik, S.C., Hellmig, R.J., Estrin, Y.S.,
Kim, H.S., 2003, Modeling of deformation
behavior of copper under equal channel
angular pressing, Zeitschrift
fMetallkunde, vol 94, issue 6, Carl
Hanser Verlag, Munich Germany, pp.
Baik, S.C., Estrin, Y.S., Hellmig, R.J.,
Jeong, H., Brokmeier, H., Kim, H.S.,
2003, Modeling of texture evolution in
copper under equal channel angular
pressing, Zeitschrift fr Metallkunde,
vol 94, issue 11, Carl Hanser Verlag,
Munich Germany, pp. 1189-1198.
Ferkel, H., Estrin, Y.S., Blawert, C.,
Valiev, R.Z., 2003, RF nitriding of
severely deformed Armco iron and St2K50,
Surface and Coatings Technology, vol
174-175, Elsevier Science SA, Lausanne
Switzerland, pp. 1164-1170.
Ferkel, H., Glatzer, M., Estrin, Y.S.,
Valiev, R.Z., Blawert, C., Mordike,
B.L., 2003, RF plasma nitriding of
severely deformed iron-based alloys,
Materials Science and Engineering A -
Structural Materials Properties
Microstructure and Processing, vol 348,
issue 1-2, Elsevier Science SA, Lausanne
Switzerland, pp. 100-110.
Skripnyuk, M., Rabkin, E., Estrin, Y.S.,
Lapovok, R.Y., 2003, The effect of ball
milling and equal channel angular
pressing on the hydrogen
absorption/desorption properties of
Mg-4.95 wt% Zn-0.71 wt% Zr (ZK60) alloy,
Acta Materialia, vol 52, issue 2,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 405-414.
Estrin, Y.S., Lebyodkin, M.A., 2003, The
influence of dispersion particles on the
Portevin-Le Chatelier effect: from
average particle characteristics to
particle arrangement, Materials Science
and Engineering A - Structural Materials
Properties Microstructure and
Processing, vol 387-389, Elsevier
Science SA, Lausanne Switzerland, pp.
Dyskin, A.V., Estrin, Y.S., Kanel-Belov,
A.J., Pasternak, E., 2003, Topological
interlocking of platonic solids: a way
to new materials and structures,
Philosophical Magazine Letters, vol 83,
issue 3, Taylor and Francis Ltd, Oxon
UK, pp. 197-203.
Estrin, Y.S., Dyskin, A.V., Pasternak,
E., Khor, H.C., Kanel-Belov, A.J., 2003,
Topological interlocking of protective
tiles for the space shuttle,
Philosophical Magazine Letters, vol 83,
issue 6, Taylor and Francis Ltd, Oxon
UK, pp. 351-355.
Baik, S.C., Estrin, Y.S., Kim, H.S.,
Jeong, H., Hellmig, R.J., 2002,
Calculation of deformation behaviour and
texture evolution during equal channel
angular pressing of IF steel using
dislocation based modelling of strain
hardening, Materials Science Forum, vol
408, issue 4, Trans Tech Publications
Ltd, Zurich-Uetikon Switzerland, pp.
Dour, G., Estrin, Y.S., 2002,
Dislocation motion in crystals with a
high Peierls relief : a unified model
incorporating the lattice friction and
localised obstacles, Journal of
Engineering Materials and Technology -
Transactions of the ASME, vol 124, issue
1, American Society of Mechanical
Engineering, New York NY USA, pp. 7-12.
Dour, G., Estrin, J., 2002, Dislocation
motion in crystals with a high peierls
relief: a unified model incorporating
the lattice friction and localized
obstacles, Journal Of Engineering
Materials And Technology-Transactions Of
The Asme [P], vol 124, issue 7, ASME,
USA, pp. 7-12.
Miller, A., Estrin, Y.S., Hu, X., 2002,
Magnetic force microscopy of fatigue
crack tip region in a 316L austenitic
stainless steel, Scripta Materialia, vol
47, issue 7, Pergamon - SElsevier
Science Ltd., Oxford UK, pp. 441-446.
Ferkel, H., Glatzer, M., Estrin, Y.S.,
Valiev, R.Z., 2002, RF plasma nitriding
of a severely deformed high alloyed
steel, Scripta Materialia, vol 46, issue
9, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.,
Oxford UK, pp. 623-628.
Toth, L.S., Molinari, A., Estrin, Y.S.,
2002, Strain hardening at large strains
as predicted by dislocation based
polycrystal model, Journal of
Engineering Materials and Technology -
Transactions of the ASME, vol 124, issue
1, American Society of Mechanical
Engineering, New York NY USA, pp. 71-77.
Toth, L.S., Molinari, A., Estrin, J.,
2002, Strain hardening at large strains
as predicted by dislocation based
polycrystal plasticity model, Journal Of
Engineering Materials And
Technology-Transactions Of The Asme [P],
vol 124, issue 1, ASME, USA, pp. 71-77.
Kim, H.S., Estrin, Y.S., Gutmanas, E.Y.,
Rhee, C.K., 2001, A constitutive model
for densification of metal compacts: the
case of copper, Materials Science and
Engineering A - Structural Materials
Properties Microstructure and
Processing, vol 307, issue 1-2, Elsevier
Science SA, Lausanne Switzerland, pp.
Feuerbacher, M., Schall, P., Estrin,
Y.S., Brechet, Y., 2001, A constsitutive
model for quasicrystal plasticity,
Philosophical Magazine Letters, vol 81,
issue 7, Taylor and Francis Ltd, London
UK, pp. 473-482.
Dyskin, A.V., Estrin, Y.S., Kanel-Belov,
A.J., Pasternak, E., 2001, A new concept
in design of materials and structures:
assemblies of interlocked
tetrahedron-shaped elements, Scripta
Materialia, vol 44, issue 12,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, oxford
UK, pp. 2689-2694.
Kim, H.S., Estrin, Y.S., Bush, M.B.,
2001, Constitutive modelling of strength
and plasticity of nanocrystalline
metallic materials, Materials Science
and Engineering A - Structural Materials
Properties Microstructure and
Processing, vol 316, issue 1-2, Elsevier
Science SA, Lausanne Switzerland, pp.
Kim, H.S., Estrin, Y.S., 2001, Ductility
of ultrafine grained copper, Applied
Physics Letters, vol 79, issue 25,
American Institute of Physics, New York
NY USA, pp. 4115-4117.
Estrin, Y.S., Gottstein, G., Rabkin, E.,
Shvindlerman, L.S., 2001, Grain growth
in thin metallic films, Acta Materialia,
vol 49, issue 4, Pergamon-Elsevier
Science Ltd, Oxford England, pp.
Zhang, S., McCormick, P.G., Estrin,
Y.S., 2001, The morphology of
Portevin-Le Chatelier bands: Finite
element simulation for Al-Mg-Si, Acta
Materialia, vol 49, issue 6,
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
UK, pp. 1087-1094.
Dyskin, A.V., Estrin, Y.S., Kanel-Belov,
A.J., Pasternak, E., 2001, Toughening by
fragmentation - how topology helps,
Advanced Engineering Materials, vol 3,
issue 11, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Berlin
Germany, pp. 885-888.
2017 г.
Jongun Moon, Yuanshen Qi, Elena
Tabachnikova, Yuri Estrin, Soo-Hyun Joo,
Aleksey Podolskiy, Mikhail Tikhonovsky,
Hyoung Seop Kim. Unusual effects of
cryogenic high-pressure torsion of
Co20Cr26Fe20Mn20Ni14 high-entropy alloy
on microstructure and mechanical
characteristics // The 7th International
Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe
Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD7) 2-7 July
2017, University of Sydney, Sydney
Australia. Book of abstracts.–2017
Andrey Molotnikov, Rimma Lapovok, Yuri
Estrin. Architectured hybrid materials
produced by rotational equal channel
angular pressing // The 7th
International Conference on
Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic
Deformation (NanoSPD7) 2-7 July 2017,
University of Sydney, Sydney Australia.
Book of abstracts.–2017
2016 г.
Мартыненко Н.С., Лукьянова Е.А.,
Серебряный В.Н., Горшенков М.В., Морозов
М.М., Юсупов В.С., Добаткин С.В., Эстрин
Ю.З. Формирование ультрамелкозернистой
структуры в магниевом сплаве МА2-1пч
после ротационной ковки // VI
Всероссийская конференция по
наноматериалам с элементами научной
школы для молодежи. Москва. 22-25 ноября
2016 г. / Сборник материалов. – М.: ИМЕТ
РАН, 2016.–С. 300-302
Лукьянова Е.А., Мартыненко Н.С.,
Анисимова Н.Ю., Киселевский М.В.,
Горшенков М.В., Юрченко Н.Ю., Рааб Г.И.,
Юсупов В.С., Салищев Г.А., Добаткин
С.В., Эстрин Ю.З. Структура,
механические свойства и биосовместимость
ультрамелкозернистого магниевого сплава
WE43, полученного различными методами
интенсивной пластической деформации //
VI Всероссийская конференция по
наноматериалам с элементами научной
школы для молодежи. Москва. 22-25 ноября
2016 г. / Сборник материалов. – М.: ИМЕТ
РАН, 2016.–С. 299-300
Рыбальченко О.В., Токарь А.А.,
Мартыненко Н.С., Терентьев В.Ф.,
Просвирнин Д.В., Еникеев Н.А., Бирбилис
Н., Добаткин С.В., Эстрин Ю.З. Изучение
эксплуатационных свойств Наноструктурной
стали astm F138, полученной кручением
под высоким давлением // VI
Всероссийская конференция по
наноматериалам с элементами научной
школы для молодежи. Москва. 22-25 ноября
2016 г. / Сборник материалов. – М.: ИМЕТ
РАН, 2016.–С. 285-286
Мартыненко Н.С., Шарипов М.С., Лукьянова
Е.А., Горшенков М.В., Морозов М.М.,
Юсупов В.С., Бирбилис Н., Добаткин С.В.,
Эстрин Ю.З. Повышение коррозионной
стойкости магниевого сплава WE43,
упрочненного методом ротационной ковки
// Научно-технический семинар
«Бернштейновские чтения по
термомеханической обработке
металлических материалов». Москва. 25-28
октября 2016 г. Сборник тезисов. – М:
НИТУ «МИСиС», 2016.–С. 77
Мартыненко Н.С., Лукьянова Е.А., Юрченко
Н.Ю., Горшенков М.В., Салищев Г.А.,
Бирбилис Н., Добаткин С.В., Эстрин Ю.З.
Повышение механических и коррозионных
свойств магниевого сплава WE43 после
мультиосевой деформации //
Научно-технический семинар
«Бернштейновские чтения по
термомеханической обработке
металлических материалов». Москва. 25-28
октября 2016 г. Сборник тезисов. – М:
НИТУ «МИСиС», 2016.–С. 44-45
Лукьянова Е.А., Мартыненко Н.С.,
Анисимова Н.Ю., Горшенков М.В., Рааб
Г.И., Бирбилис Н., Киселевский М.В.,
Добаткин С.В., Эстрин Ю.З. Влияние
равноканального углового прессования на
микроструктуру, механические и
коррозионные свойства и биосовместимость
магниевого сплава WE43 //
Научно-технический семинар
«Бернштейновские чтения по
термомеханической обработке
металлических материалов». Москва. 25-28
октября 2016 г. Сборник тезисов. – М:
НИТУ «МИСиС», 2016.–С. 42-43
Е.А. Лукьянова, Н.С. Мартыненко, В.Н.
Серебряный, В.С. Юсупов, С.В. Добаткин,
Ю.З. Эстрин. Упрочнение магниевых
сплавов после ротационной ковки // Сб.
трудов VIII-ой Евразийской
научно-практической конференции
«Прочность неоднородных структур» -
ПРОСТ 2016. 19-21 апреля 2016 года. –
Москва, НИТУ «МИСиС».–С. 117
2015 г.
Лукьянова Е.А., Мартыненко Н.С.,
Добаткина Т.В., Шахова Я.Э., Беляков
А.Н., Рохлин Л.Л., Эстрин Ю.З., Добаткин
С.В. Ультрамелкозернистые магниевые
сплавы с иттрием после кручения под
высоким давлением // VI Международная
конференция «Деформация и разрушение
материалов и наноматериалов». Москва.
10-13 ноября 2015 г./ Сборник
материалов. – М: ИМЕТ РАН, 2015.–С.
Мартыненко Н.С., Лукьянова Е.А., Рохлин
Л.Л., Добаткин С.В., Эстрин Ю.З.
Особенности кручения под
гидростатическим давлением сплавов
Mg-Y-Nd-Zr и Mg-Y-Gd-Zr // Вторая
Всероссийская молодежная
научно-техническая конференция с
международным участием "ИННОВАЦИИ В
МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИИ": сб. материалов / Ин-т
металлургии и материаловедения им. А.А.
Байкова РАН - М.: ООО "Ваш
полиграфический партнер", 2015.–С.
2014 г.
Лукьянова Е.А., Тележникова А.Е.,
Добаткин С.В., Эстрин Ю.З.
Термостабильность и кинетика старения
магниевого сплава WE43 после кручения
под гидростатическим давлением //
Научно-технический семинар
«Бернштейновские чтения по
термомеханической обработке
металлических материалов». Москва. 28-30
октября 2014 г. Сборник тезисов. – М:
НИТУ «МИСиС», 2014.–С. 71-72
Пережогин В.Ю., Диез М., Серебряный
В.Н., Галкин С.П., Эстрин Ю.З., Добаткин
С.В. Влияние режимов радиально-сдвиговой
прокатки на формирование мелкозернистой
структуры в магниевом сплаве МА2-1пч //
Научно-технический семинар
«Бернштейновские чтения по
термомеханической обработке
металлических материалов». Москва. 28-30
октября 2014 г. Сборник тезисов. – М:
НИТУ «МИСиС», 2014.–С. 29-30
Д. Орлов, Ю. Эстрин, Кей Амеяма.
Материалы с гармоничной структурой:
контроль неоднородности для улучшения
свойств // Сб. трудов VII-ой Евразийской
научно-практической конференции
«Прочность неоднородных структур» -
ПРОСТ 2014. 22-24 апреля 2014 года,
Москва, НИТУ «МИСиС». – М.: ПОЧЕРК
МАСТЕРА, 2014.–С. 82
T.A. Lebedkina, M.A. Lebyodkin, T.T.
Lamark, Janecek M, Y. Estrin. Effect of
equal channel angular pressing on the
Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in an Al3Mg
alloy // Abstracts of the 6th
International Conference on
Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic
Deformation (NanoSPD6), 30 June - 4 July
2014, Metz, France.–Metz, 2014.–P. 280
2012 г.
Fagan, T.C., Lemiale, V., Ibrahim, R.N.,
Estrin, J., 2012, A thermal model of
friction stir processing using a
particle based method, 4th International
Conference on Computational Methods, 25
November 2012 to 28 November 2012,
Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane Qld Australia, pp. 1-11.
Golovin, I., Pal-Val, P., Pal-Val, L.,
Vatazhuk, E., Estrin, J., 2012, The
effect of annealing on the internal
friction in ECAP-modified ultrafine
grained copper, Solid State Phenomena -
Internal Friction and Mechanical
Spectroscopy, 3 July 2011 - 8 July 2011,
Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
Switzerland, pp. 289-294.
Zhong, H., Rometsch, P., Estrin, J.,
2012, The influence of alloy composition
on the microstructure, tensile ductility
and formability of 6xxx alloys, ICAA13:
13th International Conference on
Aluminum Alloys, 3 June 2012 to 7 June
2012, The Mineral, Metals & Materials
Society, Warrandale PA USA, pp. 687-692.
2011 г.
Haase, C., Ng, H., Lapovok, R.Y.,
Estrin, J., 2012, Ti-6Al-4V billet
produced by compaction of BE powders
using equal-channel angular pressing,
Key Engineering Materials, 5th December
2011 to 7th December 2011, Trans Tech
Publications, Switzerland, pp. 301-308.
Molotnikov, A., Lapovok, R., Peng, T.,
Estrin, J., 2011, Comparison of
different extrusion methods for
compaction of powders, Materials Science
Forum - Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic
Deformation: NanoSPD5, 21 March 2011 to
25 March 2011, Trans Tech Publications,
Switzerland, pp. 57-62.
Golovin, I., Estrin, J., 2011,
Mechanical spectroscopy of ultrafine
grained copper, Materials Science Forum
- Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic
Deformation NanoSPD5, 21 March 2011 to
25 March 2011, Trans Tech Publications,
Switzerland, pp. 857-862.
Lapovok, R., Estrin, J., Djugum, R.,
Lerk, A., 2011, Severe plastic
deformation processes with friction
induced shear, Materials Science Forum -
Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic
Deformation: Nano SPD5, 21 March 2011 to
25 March 2011, Trans Tech Publications,
Switzerland, pp. 25-30.
2010 г.
Skripnyuk, V., Rabkin, E., Estrin, J.,
Lapovok, R., 2010, A possible route to
making magnesium fit for hydrogen
storage in automative applications,
Magnesium Technology 2010, 14 February
2010 to 18 February 2010, TMS (The
Mineral Metals & Materials Society),
USA, p. 15.
Kim, J., Estrin, J., Beladi, H., Kim,
S., Chin, K., De Cooman, B., 2010,
Constitutive modeling of TWIP steel in
uni-axial tension, Materials Science
Forum, 2 August 2010 to 8 August 2010,
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland,
pp. 270-273.
Dobatkin, S., Estrin, J., Zakharov, V.,
Rostova, T., Ukolova, O., Chrikova, A.,
2010, Structure, strength and ductility
of As-cast A1-Mg-Mn-Zr-Sc alloys after
equal channel angular pressing,
Materials Science Forum, 2 August 2010
to 6 August 2010, Trans Tech
Publications, Switzerland, pp. 311-319.
Da Costa Teixeira, J., Brechet, Y.,
Estrin, J., Hutchinson, C., 2010, The
strain hardening behaviour of
supersaturated AI-Cu alloys, Proceedings
of the 12th International Conference on
Aluminium Alloys, 5 September 2010 to 9
September 2010, The Japan Institute of
Light Metals, Japan, pp. 536-541.
2009 г.
Lathabai, S., Migeon, R., Tyagi, V.,
O'Donnell, R.G., Estrin, Y., 2009,
Friction stir processing: A technique
for microstructural refinement in
metallic materials, Materials science
forum, 28th June - 1st July 2009, Trans
Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp.
Estrin, Y., Dyskin, A.V., Pasternak, E.,
Schaare, S., 2009, Topological
interlocking in design of structures and
materials, Architectured multifunctional
materials, 13th - 17th April, Materials
Research Society, USA, pp. 117-129.
2008 г.
Williams, T.B., Lapovok, R.Y., Estrin,
J., 2008, Characterisation of ultra fine
grained super-plastic magnesium alloy
AZ31 by scanning electron microscopy,
Through the Looking Glass - The 20th
Australian Conference on Microscopy and
Microanalysis and the 4th Congress of
the International Union of Microbeam
Analysis Societies (Proceedings), 10th -
15th February 2008, The Australian
Microscopy and Microanalysis Society
Inc, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 385-386.
Sabirov, I., Estrin, J., Barnett, M.R.,
Timokhina, I., Hodgson, P.D., 2008,
Deformation behaviour of an ultra-fine
grained AI6082 alloy, Materials Science
Forum, 18 August 2008 to 22 August 2008,
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland,
pp. 703-707.
Brokmeier, H., Gan, W., Zheng, M.,
Estrin, J., 2008, Development of
extrusion and rolling textures during
ECAP of Mg-alloys, Materials Science
Forum, 18 August 2008 to 22 August 2008,
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland,
pp. 748-753.
Serebryany, V.N., Popov, M.V., Gordeev,
A.S., Timofeev, V.N., Rokhlin, L.L.,
Estrin, J., Dobatkin, S.V., 2008, Effect
of texture and microstructure on
ductility of a Mg-AI-Ca alloy processed
by equal channel angular pressing,
Materials Science Forum, 18 August 2008
to 22 August 2008, Trans Tech
Publications, Switzerland, pp. 375-379.
Lapovok, R.Y., Williams, T., Estrin, J.,
2008, Fracture of ultrafine grained
magnesium alloy AZ31 under superplastic
deformation conditions, 17th European
Conference on Fracture, 2nd - 5th
September 2008, VUTIUM, Brno, Czech
Republic, pp. 1725-1732.
Ribbe, J., Schmitz, G., Amouyal, Y.,
Estrin, J., Divinski, S., 2008, Grain
boundary radiotracer diffusion of Ni in
ultra-fine grained Cu and Cu-1wt.% Pb
alloy produced by equal channel angular
pressing, Materials Science Forum, 18
August 2008 to 22 August 2008, Trans
Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp.
Kim, J., Chen, L., Kim, H.S., Estrin,
J., Kim, S., Kim, G., De Cooman, B.,
2008, Strain rate sensitivity of
carbon-alloyed, high-Mn,
twinning-induced plasticity steels, 1st
International Conference on
Interstitially Alloyed Steels (IAS2008),
28th September 2008, POSTECH and GIFT,
South Korea, pp. 123-129.
Dobatkin, S.V., Estrin, J., Rokhlin,
L.L., Popov, M.V., Lapovok, R.Y.,
Dobatkina, T.V., Timofeev, V.N.,
Nikitina, N.I., 2008, Structure and
properties of Mg-AI-Ca alloy after
severe plastic deformation, Materials
Science Forum, 18 August 2008 to 22
August 2008, Trans Tech Publications,
Switzerland, pp. 559-564.
2006 г.
Estrin, Y.S., 2006, Effects of severe
plastic deformation: mechanical
properties and beyond, Materials Science
Forum, 22 September 2005 to 26 September
2005, Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
Zurich-Uetikon Switzerland, pp. 91-98.
Lamark, T., Hellmig, R., Estrin, J.,
2006, Mechanical properties of ECAP
processed magnesium alloy AS21X,
Materials Science Forum, 22 September
2005 to 26 September 2005, Trans Tech
Publications, Switzerland, pp. 889-893.
Hadzima, B., Janecek, M., Hellmig, R.J.,
Kutnyakova, Y., Estrin, Y.S., 2006,
Microstructure and corrosion behaviour
of ultrafine-grained copper, Materials
Science Forum, 22 September 2005 to 26
September 2005, Trans Tech Publications
Ltd, Zurich-Uetikon Switzerland, pp.
2003 г.
Kim, H.S., Estrin, Y.S., 2003, Modelling
mechanical properties of nanocrystalline
copper, Materials Science Forum, 2
December 2002 to 4 December 2002, Trans
Tech Publications Ltd., Zurich-Uetikon
Switzerland, pp. 351-354.
2002 г.
Baik, S.C., Estrin, J., 2002,
Calculation of deformation behavior and
texture evolution during equal channel
angular pressing of IF steel using
dislocation based modeling of strain
hardening, Texture of Materials, parts 1
and 2, 26th - 30th August 2002, Trans
Tech Publication Ltd, Switzerland, pp.
Khor, H.C., Dyskin, A.V., Pasternak, E.,
Estrin, J., Kanel-Belov, A.J., 2002,
Integrity and fracture of plate-like
assemblies of topologically interlocked
elements, Structural Integrity and
Fracture, 25th - 27th September 2002, A
A Balkema Publishers, The Netherlands,
pp. 449-456.